Milbre Burch is one of the most important voices in the American storytelling revival.
Susan Klein, Founder
Martha’s Vineyard Storytelling Festival
Milbre Burch is equally at home in a festival tent, on stage, and on a computer screen in your classroom or living room.
She presents oral tales from around the world, literary stories, and original monologues for adult and family audiences, and for intergenerational groups from preschools to elder hostels. She has told stories in community centers, coffee houses, schools, libraries, universities, theaters, museums, festivals, churches, synagogues, and correctional settings, knowing that everybody needs to hear stories to remember where we’ve been and figure out where we’re going.
Milbre offers:
Full-length solo and collaborative storytelling performances with social justice themes
Individual and group coaching for storytellers, solo performers and public speakers
Master classes, lecture-demonstrations, professional development and community workshops
Blending gesture and language in stories from literature, legend and lore, Milbre demonstrates that “once upon a time” is “now.”
“Classic wit.”
The contemporary fairy tale in revised, reimagined form.
Joyce Carol Oates, Author