Changing Skins: Tales about Gender, Identity and Humanity

Changing Skins: Tales about Gender, Identity and Humanity

from $500.00

A spoken word concert of performed research on the wealth and persistence of nonbinary folktales and folk ways from around the world, interwoven with popular tales and commentary. It runs 75 minutes and features oral tradition tales from Armenia, Chile, India and Scotland, from the Inuit, Ojibway and Okanagon traditions, from the Maasai people of East Africa, and from the Jewish tradition in Eastern Europe. This performance premiered in 2010 at Columbia College in MO. It has since toured to the American Folklore Society in Nashville, TN; the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Atlanta, GA; Dixon Place in Manhattan, CA (on a double bill with Holly Hughes); at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN; the Tri-Pride Fest in Johnson City, TN; the Woodneath Library in Kansas City, MO among other venues. For adults and high school audiences.

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